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    Local Resources:


    • Resource Health 816-921-5050 North Noland Rd. M-Th Weds STD testing day ages 14 and up, no parent or guardian needed, pregnancy tests and STD testing, ultrasounds, sex education and pregnancy and std prevention, mentors, fatherhood coordinators, resource appointments available Services are free and confidential, schedule online, 4 metro locations, other community resources 
    • Planned Parenthood 816-252-3800 North Noland Rd M-F online scheduling available birth control, HIV testing, LGBTQ services, men's health care, morning after pill available (as walkin) pregnancy testing, std testing, primary care (general health) hormone therapy 18 years old **accept insurance or self-pay patients

    Assistance Resources:

    • CSL Noland Rd 816-254-4100 M-F 8-5 all ages, low income, in crisis, food, medicine, rent, utilities, ID/birth certificates, clothing or personal needs 
      • Seasonal: Christmas, back to school
      • Housing:  WALLGRENT@CSLCARES.ORG 816-491-2008
      • Employment: WORKLIFE CENTER/INQUIRE ABOUT PROGRAM   https://www.cslcares.org/employment-help request help for employment help services resume writing, interview preparation, work clothes and equipment, temp transportation, computer skills Jackson County residency required
    • Hope House Indep and Lees Summit 816-461-4673 M-F 8-5 Hotline 800-799-7233 temporary shelter, therapy, advocacy and legal aid Free, Female only, domestic violence survivors
    • The Whole Person 3710 Main St KC MO 64111 M-F 8-5pm 816-561-0304 support group, connects people with disabilities in the LGBT community to the support they need. If you are a person with a disability (intellectual, physical, behavioral, emotional)
    • Connections to Success  http://connectionstosuccess.org/         professional clothings, mock interviews, personal and professional development classes, workshops
    • Catholic Charities 8001 Longview Road; Kansas City, MO 64134.           (816) 221-4377  https://catholiccharities-kcsj.org/                                         Food Pantry, Employment, Housing.         

    Web Resources:

    Adult children of alcoholics' support groups

    Legislative news

    Medicare resources: https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/medicare/

    https://mydss.mo.gov/apply   apply for benefits > 65